Sunday, May 7, 2017

Mrs. Moore's Lesson Plans May 8th - May 16th 2017

Monday - Wednesday - Friday- Tuesday Period 2,4, and 9
Tuesday- Thursday -Monday - Tuesday   Period 3,5, and 10

Day 1 - Review Atmosphere and Ocean motion. Start with a short skyward assignment.  Continue with tides,   We will draw out what neap and spring tides would look like and discuss the high and low tide. We will look for pictures of large differences in low and high tide. We will discuss if there is a use to this knowledge more than shipping and fishing.
We will then switch to discuss weather. Atmosphere moves over moving water and with the energy of the sun we get many different weather situations.  We will focus on dew point, relative humidity, and its effects on predicting weather. Homework is to watch the weather and see if they use our words - dew point, and relative humidity.  We will use a class of water in class to identify dew point. Also we will use a sling psychrometer to calculate relative humidity.  

Day 2 - Start with a quick review of atmosphere and ocean motions plus dew points and relative humidity on a skyward assignment.  We will watch a video on collecting weather data - doppler radar, weather balloons, and satellites.  We will complete a standing demonstration of fronts; stationary, cold, warm, and occluded.  Students will look at how weather maps are made by reading station model data.  Students will read complicated weather maps and try to predict the weather.  We will have 6 different weather maps to read.  What we do not complete in class will be homework.  

Day 3 - Storms!!!!!  We will discuss thunderstorms, lightning, winds sheers, tornadoes, hurricanes.  I will touch on el nino and la nina.  We will finish with a review for our test on Tuesday.  34 multiple choice questions. Videos and pictures will be shared that will amaze the students.

Day - 4 Exam on Atmosphere Oceans and Weather!!!

Earth Science Class Mrs. Moore Lombard Middle School Lesson Plans 2-28 3-6 2020 Plate Tectonics/ Earthquakes

Friday/ Monday - Skyward start.  Repeat terminology of Plate tectonics and add earthquake information.  We will discuss the waves tha...