Sunday, November 26, 2017

Earth Science Class Mrs. Moore Lesson Plan Nov. 27th to Dec. 1st

Monday/ Wednesday periods 2, 4, and 9
Tuesday/ Thursday periods 3, 5, 10
Friday all classes

Students will start with  We will continue on our evidence for evolution packet - our goal today will be to color comparative anatomy and look at the evidence it gives us for evolution.  We will complete a standing geologic time line.  Students will be given a short paper worksheet on geologic time divisions with organic and inorganic changes.  We will start our projects on creating a geologic time.  Students will be required to place 25 different items on the timeline correctly. Students will be placed in groups of 4 and 5 students to complete the project.  A paper listing the 25 dates must accompany the project and is required by each student. Due at the end of class on Friday.   

Wednesday/ Thursday
We will start with the standing geologic time line.  We will review relative/absolute dating, fossil types, and common Illinois fossils.  We will finish our evidence of evolution packet looking at DNA. Homework worksheet on geologic time divisions will be collected.  Remaining time will be used to complete geologic timeline project. Project is due at the end of class on Friday. What is completed at the end of class Friday will be graded. See scoring rubric.

Friday - Continue to work on Geologic timeline project- everyone must be done at the end of the class.  When finished students may use this web site to play games

Monday, November 20, 2017

Short week of plans 11-20 to 11-23

Monday - Everyone will study for American History test!!  We will review the colonies and then play quizlet live.  Study!!!!!
Tuesday - Start with a skyward assignment.  Review mineral and rock identification.  We may take the final quiz!! Start a video on the mesozoic era!!
Wednesday - Finish any history test and or the rocks and minerals quiz. Coloring comparative anatomy sheet in class from our evidence of evolution packet. We will finish watching the Mesozoic era video and move to the Cenozoic video.  Students

Sunday, November 12, 2017

Earth Science Class Mrs. Moore Lesson Plans Nov. 13th to Nov. 22nd

Monday/ Thursday  Period 2 4, and 9
Tuesday - Everyone goes to Knox College
Wednesday/Friday Period 3, 5, 10

File:Balance Rock, Garden of the Gods, CO.jpg - Wikimedia CommonsStudents will be given time to review rocks and minerals around the room.  Review quiz on relative dating/ absolute dating, fossil question, and a few minerals to identify.  Students will watch two short videos one on evolution and one on natural selection. As a group we will start a new packet on evidence of evolution. We will complete a geologic timeline activity with toilet paper.  Students will work on a quizlet using geologic time vocabulary, The packet will be due on Friday. Please no late work.

Thursday/ Friday

Start with an article on the Sue Dinosaur.  Review our rocks and mineral names with a non graded practice quiz,  Continue on our evidence of evolution worksheet packet. We will watch a short video on the history of our Earth.  We will start our partner geological time line project. A rubric will be given. Project will be due November 22.  

Sunday, November 5, 2017

Earth Science Class Mrs. Moore Lesson Plans Nov. 6th - Nov. 10th

File:Yosemite National Park.jpg - Wikimedia Commons

11-6 Monday Period 2,4,9
11-7 Tuesday - Period 3,5, 10
Wednesday early out 11:20
11-9 Thursday - Period 2,4,9
11-10 Friday Period 3,5, 10

Monday/Tuesday - Start with review skyward assignment. Continue our second crystal lab.  
Period 2 - If we change the solution from borax/water to alum/water  we can create  a different crystal pattern.
Period 3 -  If we change the solution from borax/water to epsom/water  we can create  a different crystal pattern.
Period 4 - Using more borax (1:1) will make more crystals than using the 2:1 solution.
Period 5 - Hypothesis– By adding food color to the water we will be able to change the color of the borax crystals.
Period 9 -  By adding food color to the water we will be able to change the color of the borax crystals.
Period 10– The borax crystals will grow larger in vinegar borax solution compared to water borax solution.
We will have a categorizing activity with the principles of geology, fossil types, common Illinois fossils, and new this week rocks and mineral names.  We will take notes on the difference between rocks and minerals, how minerals form, and the rock cycle.  Students will be expected to memorize the 15 minerals and 15 rocks by sight by November 22. We will start our practice in class today.  Homework is to read a packet on historical geology and answer the question skyward.  The assignment  will be open until Friday, Nov. 10th at 4:00.  A paper copy will be available.

Thursday/ Friday -  Review our rocks and minerals by sight.  We will take a practice test, not graded, of the rocks and minerals!!  We will create a model of the two ways minerals are formed. We will have rock cycle races both on the chalkboard and on paper.    We will partner group an activity on rock/ mineral uses.  We will construct and then deconstruct geology on a program called Visible Geology.  Homework is finished packet given earlier this week.  To end class we will collect our data from our crystal lab.  We will use the spreadsheet program and graph our results.

Earth Science Class Mrs. Moore Lombard Middle School Lesson Plans 2-28 3-6 2020 Plate Tectonics/ Earthquakes

Friday/ Monday - Skyward start.  Repeat terminology of Plate tectonics and add earthquake information.  We will discuss the waves tha...