Sunday, April 29, 2018

Earth Science Class Mrs. Moore Lesson Plans April 30th - May 3rd

Monday, Wednesday
Period 3,5, and 10
Tuesday, Thursday,
Period 2,4, and 9

Essential question - What causes weather and climates?

Monday/Tuesday -   Start with a map.  We will place world wind patterns; polar
easterlies, prevailing westerlies, and trade winds. We will place water currents
both local and the world pattern.  Students will diagram the water cycle using
evaporation, condensation, and precipitation. We will demonstrate the
formation of a cloud in a bottle. Students will take notes on the four types of
clouds.  We will discuss the variables that are involved in creating clouds,
where clouds form and why there. We will work on a cloud lab
-  Homework is to watch the
weather forecast somewhere either on TV or find a website that has a future
cast.  You are to watch for words like relative humidity, dew point temperature,
wind speed, barometric pressure, and look for isobar or isotherm markers on a
weather map.  We will be reading weather maps next week and students
need to know a little vocabulary. We will be defining the terms in our next class.

Wednesday/ Thursday -  Skyward assignment to start with in class.  We will
review atmosphere, ocean currents, clouds, climate, and weather.  Students
will calculate relative humidity using classes of ice water. We will discuss how
understanding the relative humidity of an area can predict weather.  We will
spend 30 minutes talking about our field trip on Friday. Students will complete
a Western Illinois University website scavenger hunt. Expectations will be
covered again and our agenda will be outlined.  

Friday -  Western Illinois University visit!

Sunday, April 22, 2018

Earth Science Class Mrs. Moore Lesson Plans April 23th- 26th

Monday, Wednesday Period 2,4, and 9
Tuesday, Thursday
Period 3,5, and 10
Friday Real World at GHS

Essential question - What causes weather and climates?

Monday/Tuesday - Start with a skyward assignment on atmosphere and oceans.  
We will start with a coloring activity of Earth’s cold and warm ocean currents.  We
will talk through 5 thinking questions about ocean currents and students will
be expected to take notes on the discussion to be turned in for a grade. The
discussion will be followed by an informational video clip showing the ocean
currents and the interactions between air and water as well as the salinity
differences.  Students will be given 15 minutes to make a model of ocean
water layers - cold fresh, warm fresh, cold salt, and warm salt. Students will
hypothesis the correct layering and then prove whether they are correct or
incorrect. We will end with the Rubber ducky story/video. There will be a
homework worksheet given.

Wednesday/ Thursday - Review skyward assignment.  Students will create
pictures explaining land and sea breezes after reviewing data shared with the
class.  The picture must explain the data. Students will review the locations of
cold and warm water ocean currents.  The weather phenomena of El Nino and
La Nina will be explained. Students will look at the the essential question and
connect ocean currents to weather and climates.  We will conclude by labeling
a map with hurricane zones, deserts, and anomalies of climate t (Iceland) hat
result from ocean currents. We will review expectations for our field trip to the
Real World simulation at the GHS field house.  Homework will be collected.

Friday - Real World Experience at GHS

Sunday, April 15, 2018

Earth Science Class Mrs. Moore Lesson Plans April 16th- 20th

Monday, Wednesday and Friday Period 2,4, and 9
Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday
Period 3,5, and 10

Essential question - What causes weather and climates?

Monday/Tuesday - Start our next unit on Weather and Climate.  We will
focus today on our air and atmosphere.  Students will start with a short
skyward assignment, we will review it and learn what we know and don’t
know.  Our goal is to understand the content, motions and division of the
atmosphere. Students will create a model of the layers of the atmosphere
and diagram the particles in each layer as well as explain the influence of
the Sun and the Earth in the process of heating the atmosphere.  The
students will as a group model the motions of the atmosphere at different
temperatures and densities (with balloons) We will take notes on the three
world wind patterns. A homework worksheet will be given.

Wednesday/ Thursday - Start with a review skyward assignment.  Students
will complete several atmosphere demonstrations - barometric pressure (3)
and  density (2). Students will create a model of how wind works on our planet
with manipulatives.  Students will create a poster (maybe more) to explain to
the class what causes wind. Students will be given world maps and information
about the absorption of sunlight from position in our revolution around the Sun
and the tilt of the Earth as well as the difference between water and land absorption.  
This will be an individual project and not to be extremely extensive. A simple
diagram hand drawn or a computer document with graphics from professional
artists. Students will be given a rubric to follow.

Friday - We will post our projects.  Students will be assigned 5 projects to grade
using the rubric. Projects will be given numbers and not names. We will be giving
our what works and what could be improved comments.  The final grade will be
given by Mrs. Moore. This project is only 10 points.

Sunday, April 8, 2018

Earth Science Mrs. Moore April 9th - 13th

Monday All classes 4-9 - Start with skyward assignment.  We will go over the procedures for the
ISA testing tomorrow.  We will complete the WCAP practice test online.
Tuesday 4-10 - ISA testing - there is no time limit. They only requirement is that you finish it in
one school day. There are 23 questions. You need to do your absolute best!!!! Show how
logical and organized you are in your extended responses. Organize your work!!

Unit - Weathering, Erosion, and Deposition

Essential Questions:
How does interaction between the Earth's lithosphere, atmosphere, biosphere, and hydrosphere lead
to the wide range of beautiful and complex landscapes we see today?
How do climate and types of materials influence the landscapes we see in different regions on Earth?
How does classification help us understand the great variety and complexity of Earth's materials?
Wednesday - We stay with our advisory class all core time!
Day 1 Thursday/ Friday 4-12, 4-13   Students start with a skyward assignment on our past experiments on water.  We will look at the interaction between the atmosphere and the lithosphere. We will think about climate and its influence on the landscapes in our area.  Students will be asked to create a provable hypothesis, design experiment, and then complete the experiment showing the interactions between wind and land.  Students will have the entire class to complete the process. They will need to create a graph on a spreadsheet and write a conclusion based on the collected data.

Monday, April 2, 2018

Earth Science Class Mrs. Moore April

April 3rd - 6th
Tuesday/Thursday Period 2,4 and 9
Wednesday/ Friday Period 3,5, and 10
April 9th - 13th
Monday all classes.
April 10th ISA Testing Tuesday ISA in our Period 2,4, and 9 class
Wednesday/ Friday Period 2,4 and 9
Thursday Period 3,5, and 10
April 16th-20th
Monday/ Wednesday/ Friday Period 3,5, and 10
Tuesday/ Thursday Period 2,4, and 9
April 22nd -26th
Monday/ Wednesday Period 2,4,and 9
Tuesday/Thursday Period 3,5, and 10

April 27th We will be heading to GHS for the Real World simulation in the morning.
Afternoon classes will enjoy additional activities.

Day 1 Tuesday/ Wednesday 4-3, 4-4      Skyward assignment on experimentation terminology.
 Lesson on scientific method using ripening tomatoes.  Hypothesis - Tomatoes placed in a paper
bag will produce a gas that helps them ripen quicker.  In groups students will write our experimental
designs that best test the hypothesis. We will share our designs with the class and decide what
experimental design best tests the hypothesis.  Second students will be given a packet of multiple
choice questions that they must individually read and answer. Students will be given 20 minutes in
class to complete and return to me before they leave class.  Homework is to complete the training
and practice test on the SAGE web site.  There are
two to be completed.  The first one is worth 9 points and the second is worth 15.  When completed
please screenshot the results to my email. Students can complete the practice tests as many times
as they wish to get the best grade possible.
Day 2 Thursday/ Friday 4-5, 4-6      Start with a skyward assignment.  Complete Bottling Honey
and Playground soil NAEP Practice material.  We will discuss the questions and the correct answers
together. Students will then complete California smarter balanced practice test.   The test is found on
my web page and at .  We will complete together as
much as we can in class.  What we do not finish is for the students to complete on their own time.  
If time allows I will have paper copies of extra practice questions to work on in class.
Monday All classes 4-9 - Start with skyward assignment.  We will go over the procedures for the
ISA testing tomorrow.  We will complete the WCAP practice test online.
Tuesday 4-10 - ISA testing

Unit - Weathering, Erosion, and Deposition

Essential Questions:
How does interaction between the Earth's lithosphere, atmosphere, biosphere, and hydrosphere
lead to the wide range of beautiful and complex landscapes we see today?
How do climate and types of materials influence the landscapes we see in different regions on Earth?
How does classification help us understand the great variety and complexity of Earth's materials?

Day 1 Wednesday/ Thursday 4-11, 4-12   Students start with a skyward assignment on our past
experiments on water.  We will look at the interaction between the atmosphere and the lithosphere.
We will think about climate and its influence on the landscapes in our area.  Students will be asked to
create a proveable hypothesis, design experiment, and then complete the experiment showing the
interactions between wind and land.  Students will have the entire class to complete the process.
They will need to create a graph on a spreadsheet and write a conclusion based on the collected data.  
Day 2  Friday/ Monday 4-13, 4-16 - Complete any work that was not finished on our wind/ land  lab.
Students will read and answer questions in a weathering, erosion, and rock cycle interactive.  If
students have other more interesting lab activities they wish to try we may deviate from our interactivity
and complete the student led lab work.
Day 1 Tuesday/ Wednesday 4-17, 4-18 TBA
Day 2 Thursday/ Friday 4-19, 4-20 TBA
Day 1 Monday/ Tuesday 4-24, 4-24 TBA
Day 2 Wednesday/ Thursday 4-25, 4-26 TBA

4-27 - Morning at GHS Real World Simulation

Earth Science Class Mrs. Moore Lombard Middle School Lesson Plans 2-28 3-6 2020 Plate Tectonics/ Earthquakes

Friday/ Monday - Skyward start.  Repeat terminology of Plate tectonics and add earthquake information.  We will discuss the waves tha...