Monday, January 21, 2019

Earth Science Class Mrs. Moore Lesson Plans Jan. 22nd - 26th

Focus - Cycling of Earth’s Materials as a result of the convection currents in the asthenosphere.

Tuesday- Periods 2,4,9
Wednesday- Periods 3.5.10
Thursday - Periods 2,4,9
Friday - Periods 3,5,10

Tuesday Wednesday-  Start with a skyward review assignment.  Discuss the weather,
eclipse, and football. We are going to write a hypothesis to answer the question “what
freezes faster cold or hot water?”  Students will write an experiment that will prove or
disprove the chosen hypothesis. We will make an attempt to complete the experiment and
collect data.  Students will create a spreadsheet data collection chart that can be graphed. Also we will try to watch the end of the film started in English on Friday - Supervolcano.
Homework is a worksheet on convection currents. It will be sent to students and given a
paper copy. It will also be attached to the skyward assignment in the gradebook. The
assignment is due at our next meeting.

Thursday/ Friday -  Start with a demonstration experiment on convection currents using hot
and cold water.  Students will answer questions on skyward when complete. Students will
watch several videos showing the motions under the crust.  We will have a class
demonstration on the power of density differences between cold and warm water. We will
review the boundaries of plate tectonics.  Students will create a document with pictures of
the plate tectonic boundaries using clay. This will be due at our next meeting. If time we will
discuss our experiment on what freezes faster cold or hot water.

Monday/ Tuesday  Start with a skyward assignment.  Students will be given earthquake
 Students will be asked to graph the information and identify the type of plate boundary.
 Notes will be given on earthquake terminology.


Thursday/ Friday - Students will build a simple seismograph.  Together we will work
through how computers pinpoint the epicenter of an earthquake.

Monday/ Tuesday - Two computer programs that locate the epicenter of an earthquake.  Start
our seismic safe structures.

Monday, January 7, 2019

Earth Science Class Mrs. Moore Lesson Plans Jan. 7th - 11th

Density focus - Density = mass / volume

Jan. 7th - 11th
Monday - Period 4,5,9 and 10
Tuesday/ Thursday 2,4, and 9
Wednesday/ Friday 3,5, and 10
Jan. 14th - 18th
Monday/Wednesday 2,4,and 9
Tuesday/ Thursday 3,5,10

Monday - Start with rotations of expectations for the school rules. Short classes will cover
GHS classes, Upward Bound programs, and Career Cruising. If time allows we will look at
the set up of our density lab.

Tuesday/ Wednesday - Students will complete a density lab using salt and water.  Students
will calculate three different salt water densities and correctly position the liquids in a clear  Students will hypothesise the results after reading the procedure. Students will measure
liquids and solids using scales and graduated cylinders.  Students will calculate the precise
density of the solutions. Students will create a tub layering the different densities correctly.
Students will use this experiment to explain cycles in our planet that cause change.  We will
use this experiment to think about how plate tectonics, earthquakes, and volcanoes function.
When completed students will calculate a proportional picture of the layers of the Earth.
Students will be given a plate to model the layers of the Earth as homework plus a map of
the current plate boundaries to label and color, both will be due at our next class.

Thursday/ Friday - Turn in paper plate and map of the current plate boundaries labeled and
colored.  We will post the work on the wall and share what we discovered. Students will work
end test for the interactive will be due on Monday/ Tuesday January 14, and 15th.  Students
will need to screenshot the results to my email by this date. We will spend the last 15
minutes of class watching a slide presentation and taking notes.  The notes will continue into
next week.

Monday/ Tuesday -  Students will need to screenshot the results of the interactive to my email -  We will continue with the slide presentation and notes.  We will use music and pom poms to demonstrate the plate movement.  Homework is to read the article assigned from thinkcerca. There are five multiple choice questions to be answered after reading/ listening to the article.  We will create an experiment about breaking plates using taffey. Students will write a hypothesis, procedure and create a chart to collect data. We will discuss our experiments in class.  Students will be given criteria and constrain

Earth Science Class Mrs. Moore Lombard Middle School Lesson Plans 2-28 3-6 2020 Plate Tectonics/ Earthquakes

Friday/ Monday - Skyward start.  Repeat terminology of Plate tectonics and add earthquake information.  We will discuss the waves tha...