Sunday, April 30, 2017

Lesson Plans May 1st to May 5th Mrs. Moore Earth Science

Monday - Wednesday Period 2,4, and 9
Tuesday - Friday Period 3,5, and 10
Thursday - Real world - special day

Day 1 - Start with the skyward assignment I forgot to open over the weekend. Try -
Demonstration with balloons on Earth’s air composition, both warm and cold air, plus we will discuss air pressure. We will review the reasons for air movement on our planet.  We will demonstrate evaporation, identifying the cause, looking at the difference between salt and fresh water.   Students will take notes on the formation of clouds.  We will look at the four classification of clouds, where clouds form and why.  We will end with the identification of water currents around the world.  Students will be asked to take the knowledge of air movement and apply it to water movement.  Before students return to science class they will be asked to read the rubber duck story from my web page and complete the skyward questions.

Day 2 - Review atmosphere material and discuss the rubber duck story. We will then focus today on the reasons why the ocean is in motion.  We will continue by discussing how the atmosphere and the ocean currents combine to create the climate and  changing weather.  We will look at fronts, relative humidity, temperature, micro climates, and climate changes.  We will be using data to justify weather predictions. Homework will be to look at the data sites shared in class and to work on a prediction of the weather next week.  Students will be asked to fill in their predictions on a shared spreadsheet document before Monday of next week.

MS-ESS2-4. Develop a model to describe the cycling of water through Earth's systems driven by energy from the sun and the force of gravity

MS-ESS2-5. Collect data to provide evidence for how the motions and complex interactions of air masses results in changes in weather conditions.

Thursday will be short classes because of the Real World field trip to GHS.

Sunday, April 23, 2017

Lesson Plans April 24th to April 28th Mrs. Moore Earth Science

Monday - Wednesday All Classes
Thursday - Period 2, 4, and 9
Friday - Period 3, 5, and 10

Monday - ISA Testing
Tuesday - Celebration of doing excellent work on our ISA!!
Wednesday - Overview of next unit with pretest.  Atmosphere activity. IF you have markers or colored pencils you will need them today.  I will have some to borrow if necessary. Homework is to complete the questions with the visual made in class. Due at the next class.
Thursday/ Friday - Start Atmosphere section of our unit. Students will discover and dance the three reasons we have wind. We will name and label the three world wind patterns and the identify the presence of the jet streams.   We will simulate the makeup of the air.  Students will create models to demonstrate high and low pressure as well as cold and warm air. Homework will be to answer questions on the three demonstration at the end of class. One demonstration will be the implosion of a can and the second will be the pinhole in a bottle that only leaks when the lid is off. The last demonstration will be the egg in the bottle trick- both the push in and the push out version. Homework will be on skyward and is due by Monday morning.

Sunday, April 16, 2017

Lesson Plans April 17th to April 21st Mrs. Moore Earth Science

Monday - Friday  All classes everyday!!
All material will be worked on together in class.  Students who are absent can complete the work and email me a screenshot of the final page.  

Monday -Start with a short 4 question Physical science practice test from Varsity tutors, located on my Earth Science web page at the bottom of the first page. Second we will work together on practice tests;  Bottling Honey and Washington practice test.  Homework is to write a procedure to the hypothesis “The smaller the sediment size the slower the water will pass through the material.”  Make sure to use amounts and unit labels as well as clearly identify the controls and the independent manipulated variable.  Please be very detailed. This will be due on Thursday, no late assignments will be accepted.
Wednesday -  New York paper practice test  85 questions- We will complete on paper in class. The web page is for absent students. Absent students will need to review the material and write the answers to the questions and turned in within 24 hours of returning to school.
Thursday- Finish New York test and complete Playground Soil.   I will collect homework from Monday.
We will discuss the good and not so good procedures that were written for our hypothesis. No late work on this assignment will be accepted.  (Only fair since we will be going over answers in class.)If you are absent please note that you have 3 days to complete the assignment that should take about 15 minutes, please turn in the assignment no later than 24 hours after you return to school.
Friday - Sample test question from NGSS on paper completed in groups in class. Finish with Kahoot quiz.

Work this week is to prepare/review for the Illinois Science Assessment.  I am also working in the topic of soil as much as I can to go along with our current NGSS material. The 2016 ISA test was based on 57% physical science which was taught in the 6th grade. Therefore I felt it necessary to review with the students not only computer procedures of the test but physical science content as well.  

The ISA testing date is April 24th and 25th.  All students are required to take the test.        

Sunday, April 2, 2017

Lesson Plans April 3rd to April 6th Mrs. Moore Earth Science

Monday and Wednesday - period 2,4,9
Tuesday and Thursday - period  3,5,10

Day 1- finish up water erosion solution and graph for periods 2,4,9.  Start wind lab - What causes the most wind erosion?  We will write a lab sheet; hypothesis, procedures, data table, and conclusion statement. Students will be responsible to graph results. We will continue on to a permeability lab. Scores will be given for lab sheet and graph of data. Both are worth 5 points each. Students will be given a packet of material to complete as homework for the week. The material can also be found on my web page.  
Day 2 - Finish up wind lab and permeability lab.  Students will have time in class to work on their worksheet packet.  Before students leave the class they will be asked to complete a skyward quiz. Students can attempt the quiz early and ask for a redo if necessary.  The quiz will be final on Friday April 7th.

Homework over spring break - Hapara assignment - my student

Students need to take or find pictures to illustrate the weathering and erosion slide presentation.  Worth 10 points This will be due when the students return to school on April17th. Please no late work.

Earth Science Class Mrs. Moore Lombard Middle School Lesson Plans 2-28 3-6 2020 Plate Tectonics/ Earthquakes

Friday/ Monday - Skyward start.  Repeat terminology of Plate tectonics and add earthquake information.  We will discuss the waves tha...