Monday and Wednesday - period 2,4,9
Tuesday and Thursday - period 3,5,10
Day 1- finish up water erosion solution and graph for periods 2,4,9. Start wind lab - What causes the most wind erosion? We will write a lab sheet; hypothesis, procedures, data table, and conclusion statement. Students will be responsible to graph results. We will continue on to a permeability lab. Scores will be given for lab sheet and graph of data. Both are worth 5 points each. Students will be given a packet of material to complete as homework for the week. The material can also be found on my web page.
Day 2 - Finish up wind lab and permeability lab. Students will have time in class to work on their worksheet packet. Before students leave the class they will be asked to complete a skyward quiz. Students can attempt the quiz early and ask for a redo if necessary. The quiz will be final on Friday April 7th.
Homework over spring break - Hapara assignment - my student
Students need to take or find pictures to illustrate the weathering and erosion slide presentation. Worth 10 points This will be due when the students return to school on April17th. Please no late work.
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