Monday, Sept 24th All classes complete scientific notation worksheet on walking planets
model. Students will go outside and participate in a walking model of the solar system.
Homework is a skyward review assignment.
model. Students will go outside and participate in a walking model of the solar system.
Homework is a skyward review assignment.
Tuesday/ Wednesday - Students will research moon cycles, year cycles and the
month/day cycles. Students will create clay models of the Earth, Moon, Sun
relationship.Tables will be assigned one of the cycles. They will be required to
teach another group using their model. Two question - Why do we have time?
Why do we see a different shape of the moon every night? Students will create
two questions that they want the learners to answer after their explanation.
Students will be assigned a moon cycle chart to complete, due at our next class.
If time we will watch one of our short moon videos.
month/day cycles. Students will create clay models of the Earth, Moon, Sun
relationship.Tables will be assigned one of the cycles. They will be required to
teach another group using their model. Two question - Why do we have time?
Why do we see a different shape of the moon every night? Students will create
two questions that they want the learners to answer after their explanation.
Students will be assigned a moon cycle chart to complete, due at our next class.
If time we will watch one of our short moon videos.
Thursday/ Friday - Review Start questions 27-28. Students will take notes on moon
cycles, eclipses, and tides. We will throw the model of the moon around the room
and simulate our discussion with human models. We will finish with creating the
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