Monday - All Classes March 20th
Tuesday-Wednesday period 2,4, and 9
Thursday- Friday period 3,5,and 10
Monday - Tuesday period 2,4, and 9
Wednesday - SIP day
Thursday-Friday period 3,5, and 10
Unit Weathering, Erosion, and Deposition
Monday - All classes. Start with a skyward assignment on Weathering. In our partnered groups students will make a hypothesis about weathering chalk “ What weathers chalk more?” (surface area, acidity, agitation, and temperature of water) Students are looking to answer the question of “what affects the rate of weathering?” (Climate) This is the experiments we did not get to do last week. We will write the experimental procedures out and then complete the experiments. We will graph our results and write a conclusion statement. The purpose of this activity is to clarify experimental procedures using the topic of weathering. Specifically we will identify the independent manipulated variable, the dependent variable, and constants/controls of an experiment. Students will organize the results of all the experiments and determine the effectiveness of the our variables on the rate of weathering. We will also look at design of experiments to make sure they are equal, reliable, and valid.
Day 1-2 - Finish up our work on weathering if necessary.
Students will design experiments to help solve the problem of stream erosion. Students will create solutions to test in class. We will focus on slope, meanders, speed of water, and amount of water. Students will first identify the cause of the problem by collecting data from experiments in class. Students will analyze the data and then design solutions to the leading problem(s). Students will collect data and compare the results with other solutions in class in order to identify the best solution to our stream erosion problem.
Students will be scored on their weathering lab sheet - 5 points
Students will be scored on their weathering data graphs - 5 points
Students will be scored on their water erosion lab sheet “finding the problem” - 5 points
Students will be scored on their water erosion lab sheet “ finding the problem” data graph - 5 points
Students will be scored on their water erosion solution lab sheet - 5 points
Students will be scored on their water erosion solution data graph - 5 points
Students will be scored on their Solutions analysis paper - 10 points
Day 3-4 Finish up any work left on water erosion.
Start our lab work on wind erosion!!!! How can we reduce wind erosion? What causes the most wind erosion? O the fun we are going to have in class!!! Students are welcome to research the information before we get to work on it in class.
Define the criteria and constraints of a design problem with sufficient precision to ensure a successful solution, taking into account relevant scientific principles and potential impacts on people and the natural environment that may limit possible solutions.
Evaluate competing design solutions using a systematic process to determine how well they meet the criteria and constraints of the problem.
Analyze data from tests to determine similarities and differences among several design solutions to identify the best characteristics of each that can be combined into a new solution to better meet the criteria for success.
Develop a model to generate data for iterative testing and modification of a proposed object, tool, or process such that an optimal design can be achieved.
Construct an explanation based on evidence for how geoscience processes have changed Earth's surface at varying time and spatial scales
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