Period 2,4, and 9 Mon., Wed., Thursday
Period 3,5, and 10 Tues.,Wed., Friday
Monday/ Tuesday
Review our location in the universe, the origins of our universe, life cycle of a star, gravity, and moon cycles with a short skyward assignment. Our lesson today will focus on the scale of our planets in our solar system. We will practice a few math scale problems. Students will be given a solar system to scale art project. Rubric is as followed. Total 10 points
Scale is accurate and created by student- scale is present on project
5 points
Group worked well together and product is easy to understand
Scale is accurate using scale on the board or not quite accurate using scale created by students -scale is present on project
4 points
Group worked together and the product is understandable
Scale is not accurate using scale on the board
3 points
Group did not work together and the product is understandable
No scale is present that can be understood
Group did not work together and the product is not understandable.
** Project - Solar system to scale.
Students must represent the 8 planets in our solar system on one sheet of paper( I have large paper.) or computer image to scale with each other. This must be a student created project. You cannot find pictures on the Internet and copy and paste. This must be a partner project. Students can choose their own partners. Choose wisely!! Students need to research and find the different data points that they could use to create this scale project, diameter, density, mass, etc. Students that have difficulty are allowed use the scale done by Mrs. Moore on the chalkboard. Note the rubric and the score if you use my scale.
Timeline - class time will be given Monday or Tuesday and Wednesday. The project should be done by Monday Oct. 2nd. Projects will be hung on the wall in the classroom and in the hallway.
Wed- continue work on our solar system to scale project. We will stop 20 minutes before the bell and discuss our work for the rest of the week. Students will see a hapara assignment that reviews all our astronomy’s main points. Students will review behavior expectation with a substitute.
Mrs.Moore will be gone. Higher Expectations for behavior is expected!
Thurs/Friday Students will start with a short skyward assignment, no redos. Students will work on the skyward assignment in class. When finished students will fill in information on a slide presentation; both pictures and facts. This should be completed before the end of the class and the student needs to turn it in through the program. When complete students can work on finishing up their solar system to scale project. If that is completed then the student is to work on the game of the week. If that is complete there will be extra credit material on the front counter that students are to work on in class.
Next Generation Science Standards
MS-ESS1-1 Earth’s Place in the Universe - Develop and use a model of the Earth-sun -moon system to describe the cyclic patterns of lunar phases, eclipses of the sun and moon, and seasons.
MS-ESS1-2 Earth’s Place in the Universe - Develop and use a model to describe the role of gravity in the motions within galaxies and the solar system.
MS-ESS1-3 Analyze and interpret data to determine scale properties of objects in the solar system
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