Sunday, May 13, 2018

Earth Science Class Mrs. Moore Lesson Plans May 14th to May 18th

Earth Science Class

Monday, Wednesday, Friday
Period 3,5, and 10
Tuesday and Thursday
Period 2,4, and 9

Essential question - What causes weather and climates?

Friday/ Monday-  Start with a video that reviews our essential question.   Storm day!!!!  Students will make models of thunderstorms, lightning, the two ways we think tornadoes are formed, and we will look at the development of a hurricane.  We will have several videos to look at before we create our models.  Students will have to visually model only one of the items listed to display in class.  Reminder to all that homework is to find or collect the high/low temperature, barometric pressure, relative humidity, and precipitation amounts for Saturday and Sunday at the same time each day.  This information will be collected next week.

Tuesday/ Wednesday - Hurricane Day!!  We will diagram and explain where when and why hurricanes form.  Students will look at satellite images of different hurricanes and discuss what causes the difference between the storms.  We will use the NOAA interactive to work through the development of a hurricane and see the pieces that cause the most damage to humans.  Students will create a plan for safety if they lived in a hurricane prone area. We will discuss the current data of numbers of hurricanes and infer the many variables that influence the number changes.  Students will be given a short skyward quiz at the end of the lesson.

Thursday/ Friday - We will start with a skyward assignment, the post test of the weather and climate unit.  Second, students will be asked to show knowledge that completely answers our Essential question - What causes weather and climates?  Students will be given a rubric to grade their own answers. The students may draw diagrams, models, and list data that will help show their knowledge on the subject.   This is the final test for our unit on Weather and Climate. The final score will be 10 points.

Sunday, May 6, 2018

Earth Science Class Mrs. Moore Lesson Plans May 7th to May 18th

Monday, Wednesday, Friday
Period 2,4, and 9
Tuesday, Thursday,
Period 3,5, and 10

Essential question - What causes weather and climates?
Adding this week data analysis and creating weather maps
for predicting weather and climate. We will try to model weather

Monday/Tuesday -   Skyward assignment to start with in class.  We will review atmosphere,
ocean currents, clouds, relative humidity, barometric pressure, climate, and weather.  
Students will calculate relative humidity of our classroom and why this data is important to
understanding weather prediction.  Students will look at station models and try to understand
the data presented. We will look at 6 different weather maps and as a group try to explain what
the data is telling us about the weather currently at the location and what a prediction could be
for the next 24 hours based on the data we see.  Homework is a worksheet called Weather
Station Model Worksheet. The worksheet will be in paper copy but a copy will be emailed to
all students. Hopefully we will have time to look at a weather forecast from WQAD to see
how the meteorologists using the data to explain the weather to viewers.

Wednesday /Thursday - Skyward assignment to start with in class.  Students will analyze
10 station models on the front board from cities around the USA.  Students will use a USA
map to plot isobar and isotherm lines. Students will take the data and try to predict the weather
for the weekend.  We will then look for other data that will help us create a forecast for the
weekend. Students will start a model of the four types of fronts and explain where and why
thunderstorm and tornadoes take place in “tornado alley”.   Homework is to find or collect the
high/low temperature, barometric pressure, relative humidity, and precipitation amounts for
Saturday and Sunday

Friday/ Monday-  Review Skyward assignment.  Storm day!!!! Students will make models of
thunderstorms, lightning, the two ways we think tornadoes are formed, and we will look at the
development of a hurricane.  We will have several videos to look at before we create our
models. Students will have to visually model only one of the items listed to display in class.
Reminder to all that homework is to find or collect the high/low temperature, barometric
pressure, relative humidity, and precipitation amounts for Saturday and Sunday at the same
time each day.  This information will be collected next week.

Earth Science Class Mrs. Moore Lombard Middle School Lesson Plans 2-28 3-6 2020 Plate Tectonics/ Earthquakes

Friday/ Monday - Skyward start.  Repeat terminology of Plate tectonics and add earthquake information.  We will discuss the waves tha...