Sunday, December 16, 2018

Earth Science Class Mrs. Moore Lesson Plans 12-17- 12-21

Period 2,4, and 9 Monday and Wednesday
Period 3,5, and 10 Tuesday and Thursday
Friday is all day with Advisory both morning and after lunch

Earth’s Systems (Geology)
Construct a scientific explanation based on evidence from rock strata for how the geologic time scale is used to organize Earth’s 4.6 billion-year-old history
Develop a model to describe the cycling of Earth’s materials and the flow of energy that drives this process
Construct an explanation based on evidence for how geoscience processes have changed Earth’s surface at varying time and spatial scales
Analyze and interpret data on the distribution of fossils and rocks, continental shapes, and seafloor structures to provide evidence of the past plate motions
Construct a scientific explanation based on evidence for how the uneven distributions of Earth’s mineral, energy, groundwater resources are the result of past and current geoscience processes

We will conclude our unit on Geology.  We will review the above items and then go further in
depth on the idea of density.

Monday/ Tuesday
Look at our mineral crystals made on Friday.  Review the difference between Rocks and Minerals.  Students will be asked to complete a blank rock cycle chart with the correct names and processes.  Students will be asked to write the five characteristics of all minerals.
We will discuss density.  Students will be asked to calculate the density of many different items (10).  Students will explain with a model a density demonstration in the class.
We will review our unit on Geological History and geology with a skyward assignment.  It is 25 questions. We will go through the questions together and share ways that we remember the information and what it means to our students and the future of the world.
If time we will metamorphosing marshmallows, draw our results.   

Wednesday/ Thursday

Start with the metamorphosing marshmallows if we did not get it done in our last class. We will discuss how this is a model of the rock process.  Students will create their own models of our rock cycle with pictures and diagrams.
We will look at a different density model and verbally explain the model.
We will review our unit and take the end of the quarter skyward assignment, 25 multiple questions.
We will create our paper crystal patterns, our German bells, and make rock candy.
Students will be asked to review their thinkcerca lesson we completed earlier in the year.  We will discuss how what we did in science has transferred into American History class, English and now Math class.  

Sunday, December 9, 2018

Earth Science with Mrs. Moore Dec 10th - 14th

We have gotten a little behind because of snow days and assemblies/ band and choir events.  But no worries we will continue on our quest to learn as much as we can in science.  

Earth Science lessons Dec 10th - 14th

Monday/ Tuesday
Skyward assignment.
Share any missing work with Mrs. Moore
Review our model of the cycling of the Earth’s material.  
Discuss ways to identify rocks/ minerals that we do not know?
HCl acid
Volume - displacement method
Flame - Chemical formula
Crystal pattern
Complete at least 6 rock/ mineral complete tests.  Rock and Mineral identification lab simulation. Students will complete numerous tests on our know rocks and minerals.  Students will evaluate the testing process looking for the best way to collect information about unknown substances and verifying then substance to the best of our ability..

Wednesday/ Thursday
Skyward assignment
Mystery mineral flame test day.  Students will complete several test taking notes on what they observe.  The students will then need to use their notes to complete the mystery mineral test using the flame test.  Safety is our number one priority today. Those not 100 percent listening and with the correct attitude will be asked to watch class from in the hallway.  Replacement assignment will given to those who cannot behave correctly and safely in class at all times.
Homework worksheet.

Friday - Rice Crispy rock cycle day - We will complete an online test about all of our material from Geological history to rocks and minerals.  Students can take it several times in class until they like their score. We will create models of the rock cycle with food too.

Earth Science Class Mrs. Moore Lombard Middle School Lesson Plans 2-28 3-6 2020 Plate Tectonics/ Earthquakes

Friday/ Monday - Skyward start.  Repeat terminology of Plate tectonics and add earthquake information.  We will discuss the waves tha...