Tuesday, February 28, 2017

Lesson Plans February 27th to March 3rd 2017 Mrs. Moore Earth Science

Monday/Tuesday - All classes
Wednesday Period 2,4, and 9
Thursday Period 3,5, and 10
Friday all classes

Monday/Tuesday - Watch Supervolcano while those that need to finish or retake the US Constitution test will work with Mr. Carpenter. Remember your volcano slides need to be turned in a.s.a.p

Wednesday/Thursday- Start with the picture of the volcano again and name the parts of the basic volcano on the sheet to turn in for a grade. Second we will discuss where volcano are found.  We will complete a virtual volcano internet activity together on our chromebooks. We will then take raw data and graph out both a shield and a cinder cone volcano.  Students will be able to graph basic data on a spreadsheet and analyze the material to identify the type of volcano by the magmatic tremor earthquake information.  Finally we will work on our volcano experiments.  The first experiment will look at structure of a volcano and the eruption result comparing a wide opening to a narrow opening. We will diagram what we think. We will write a hypothesis, procedure, and data table.  We will correctly collect data and read the results.  We will finish with a conclusion statement based on the data collected in class.  If time allows we will start on our experiment about magma content; more or less gas in the magma - what causes a bigger eruption and why?  We will also look at temperature and viscosity of magma!!!

Friday - Continue Volcano experiments.

**** Test on Plate Tectonics, Earthquakes, and Volcanoes next week!!  The test is over everything from the beginning of January till now!!  The test is a lot of reading charts, vocabulary, and identifying from pictures!!!  We will review the questions the day or two before the test. The test is multiple choice.

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Earth Science Class Mrs. Moore Lombard Middle School Lesson Plans 2-28 3-6 2020 Plate Tectonics/ Earthquakes

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